As tu un animal?

This week in French, we learned how to tell someone else if we do or do not have a pet, what their names are and how old the pet is. We combined this knowledge with our conversational French to practice in partners. Some of us wrote scripts, while others improvised! Some super French was spoken which combined our learning from across the term – well done 6D.

Library Visit, Book Buddies Night and Maths Chain Game

What a busy week we’ve had in 6D! We had the pleasure of visiting Moor Allerton Library. The students enjoyed working in groups to select 5 books for us to borrow with our class library card. Students then had the opportunity to enjoy the quiet atmosphere of the Library.

We also had a fantastic time at our book buddies night where we shared stories, hot chocolate and biscuits.

On Friday, we had our second attempt at the Math’s chain game – this time using fractions, mixed numbers and integers as our answer cards.

We also had the chance to make our own periscopes this week in Science as part of our unit on Light. We discussed how the light spectrum can be reflected or absorbed, altering the way we perceive colour. We also discussed how light beams can travel from one space to another. We applied this learning to construct periscopes out of paper and card – a true challenge! Well done 6D.

Well done to our learner of the week – Sameer. Have a fantastic weekend,

Miss Davies

Emma Carroll Virtual Visit

On Friday, Year 6 attended a virtual visit and presentation from Emma Carroll – author of our class novel ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’. This session allowed students to understand how the novel was built over time, what inspired key characters and settings and how Ms Carroll first got into writing. We further used this as an opportunity to make links to our current History unit (evacuation during WWII) by extending our understanding of Kindertransport and how this affected the character arc of the antagonist in the novel – ‘Esther’.

At the end of the session, students were offered the opportunity to ask Emma Carroll about her other works and inspiration. Special shout outs to Ellie, Sameer and Henry for their insightful questions!

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

What a fascinating and enjoyable performance! On Thursday, Years 3-6 ventured to the West Yorkshire Playhouse to go and see The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe. This musical production was fantastic and features a diverse range of ambitious props and talented actors. A must see this Christmas season if you get an opportunity!

The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe At The Leeds Playhouse

Lino Printing in the style of James Bywood

A big well done and thank you to 6D for today. The students really pushed themselves in our lino design and cutting sessions and produced some original and ambitious designs as a result. We used James Bywood’s artwork and photographs of different landscapes and other natural scenery to inspire us. Today, we did printed our designs with a watercolour pre-wash for the background. Please see below for some of their fantastic works!

Propaganda Workshop

Today, we had a virtual visit from The National Archives. The session focused on the effectiveness of different forms of propaganda during World War II. We found it fascinating how certain photographs were used by both the axis and allies during the war. For example, the photo below of St Paul’s cathedral – a symbol of national hope – was used to heighten morale in Britain, whereas, in Germany, it was used to promote anti-British sentiment.

We further discussed the concept of a “total war” – technology had significantly advanced since WW1, allowing war to affect civilians on the home front more directly. This provided ample opportunity to recall our learning about air raids, rationing and expansion of the ‘Home Front’ workforce to include women. Students got a chance to compare a original propaganda posters and create propaganda slogans of their own.

To explore The National Archives’s World War 2 propaganda sources further, please follow this link:

Simple Simon!

This week, we used playing cards to create fractions, then worked on our simplifying skills. If a fraction could be simplified, we yelled ‘Simple Simon!’ and claimed the cards. The aim of the game was to get as many playing cards as possible!