Propaganda Workshop

Today, we had a virtual visit from The National Archives. The session focused on the effectiveness of different forms of propaganda during World War II. We found it fascinating how certain photographs were used by both the axis and allies during the war. For example, the photo below of St Paul’s cathedral – a symbol of national hope – was used to heighten morale in Britain, whereas, in Germany, it was used to promote anti-British sentiment.

We further discussed the concept of a “total war” – technology had significantly advanced since WW1, allowing war to affect civilians on the home front more directly. This provided ample opportunity to recall our learning about air raids, rationing and expansion of the ‘Home Front’ workforce to include women. Students got a chance to compare a original propaganda posters and create propaganda slogans of their own.

To explore The National Archives’s World War 2 propaganda sources further, please follow this link:

Simple Simon!

This week, we used playing cards to create fractions, then worked on our simplifying skills. If a fraction could be simplified, we yelled ‘Simple Simon!’ and claimed the cards. The aim of the game was to get as many playing cards as possible!

Chocolate Bar Maths and Apostrophe quizzes!

Sadly no edible chocolate was involved… Today we played ‘Chocolate Bar’ to test our knowledge of equivalent fractions. Students had to gather as many fractions equivalent to 1/2 as possible. Well done to Ellie for being the first to complete both sides of her chocolate bar!

We also began studying apostrophes more closely this morning. A little joke to leave you with…

Maths Chain Game!

Today in Maths, we used the rules of BIDMAS to calculate our own questions and answers. If our card ‘number’ was read out, we had a chance to read out our own equation for the class to solve. The person with the correct card ‘number’ was then asked to read out their question – and so the chain continued!

Simone Yasmin: Performance Poet Visit

This week, we had the pleasure of working with Simone Yasmin in a poetry workshop. Simone has worked with a range of well-known organisations including Green Peace, The British Literacy Trust and British Libraries. Simone talked us through some examples of figurative language (Metaphors, Similes, Personification) in poetry and we even had a go at writing our own poems. This was a fantastic opportunity to apply our learning from our writing unit on Meanwood Valley. Special shout out to Izzy, Ellie, Zara and Ebony for their imaginative works and ‘magpieing’!

Eden Camp

On Thursday, we visited Eden Camp – a World War 1/2-focused museum. Students learned about the rise of the Nazis, women’s roles during the War, escaping prisoner of war camps, victory gardens, the mechanicals of grenades and wartime-transport. It was a fantastic day out for all. Please see below for some pictures.

Fantastic Friday!

What a fantastic day today – we began with some ambitious Maths challenges – a special shout out to Aryan for solving the trickiest (see below).

Later in the day, we had a brief opportunity for Show and Tell. From Ellie’s woolen pumpkins to Elika’s prehistoric recreation, it was a real treat. To finish the session, we had a live music performance from Izzy (see below).

Well done everyone for your hard work today! Have a great weekend,

Miss Davies

Maths games!

This half term, we have explored a range of maths games to embed and apply our learning. This began with a Place Value game where students had to create numbers which they compared in a ‘Top Trumps’ style round. Following this students had to add, multiply and divide the numbers. There were certainly some ambitious sums happening in the classroom!

Reception Buddies Event

What a fantastic start to the day. Year 6 students got to spend some time with their Reception buddies. The buddies told us about their boxes, how and why they had filled them and took us through the ornate decorations. 6D were absolutely fantastic, listening and caring for the buddies attentively throughout the session. Well done 6D!